Congratulations, Laurie Kaiser!
Our 2018/2019 RWA Winner

In Laurie’s words:
The 2019 AHOU Conference was held in exciting New Orleans, LA, and being able to attend as the 2018 Rick Weaver Award winner was an exciting experience for me both professionally and personally. When I first heard of the award, I knew little about Rick Weaver. I have since learned so much about this wonderful man. His dedication and commitment to this industry, and his promotion of education, have clearly made an impact. I’d like to thank the NEHOUA for choosing my article for the 2018 Rick Weaver Award.
This year’s opening speaker, Melissa Knoll, is a working mother who shared her story of how life insurance helped her family move forward after her husband passed away from cancer. As underwriters, we work behind the scenes and don’t always get to see the positive ways our daily decisions affect people’s lives.
I was able to attend some great breakout sessions, and below are some key takeaways.
Technology in the New Age of Underwriting addressed several topics, such as the changing customer profile. Insurance companies are trying to create a new and different customer experience using digital capabilities and new technologies. Our audience is now looking for a quick and rapid decision. Some new technology advancements include artificial intelligence capable of learning, acting, and problem solving. Telemedicine is providing better care and engagement for patients, while also helping to lower their costs. Companies are looking at utilizing blockchain technology for secure access to records and transactions.
Cajun Clash, presented by Dr. Dave Rengachery and Dr. Michael Wetzel, was a funny and entertaining debate covering several topics. The doctors took opposing points of view on topics including marijuana use, wearable devices, and genetic testing. The banter between the doctors was light-hearted and kept the audience engaged throughout.
In Cutting Edge Cancer Treatments: Targeted Immunotherapy, Dr. Tomer Mark discussed how immunotherapies and CART cell therapy will be the wave of the future, changing the ways we treat cancer.
Outside of the sessions, the exhibit hall was packed with innovative companies sharing their products and handing out yummy treats like New Orleans’ signature pralines. The evening activities were amazing, allowing us to have a great New Orleans experience.
I want to again thank NEHOUA for allowing me to attend such an informative conference in a great setting. I encourage everyone who is eligible to visit the NEHOUA website to enter the Rick Weaver competition.